O que você encontra no Centro Saúde.

No Centro Saúde, oferecemos uma ampla gama de especialidades médicas, garantindo que nossos pacientes tenham acesso a cuidados abrangentes e integrados.

Vamos proporcionar um ambiente acolhedor, onde cada paciente seja tratado com respeito e empatia. Através de nossa equipe de profissionais altamente qualificados e especializados, estamos empenhados em oferecer diagnósticos baseados nos mais modernos protocolos de atendimento, tratamentos e cuidados que consideram não apenas as necessidades médicas, mas também a jornada individual de cada paciente.

Facilitamos o agendamento de consultas. Nosso sistema de agendamento online intuitivo permite que você escolha a especialidade, médico e horário que melhor se adequam a você.

consultas em especialidades médicas

You start with inspiration...

Search through our portfolio and discover your favorite style. We'll use your inspiration as the root of our creativity, helping us lead from one small starting point into the complete design process.

Want to know more about us?

We are small, creative team of architectural engineers and interior designers, sharing the belief that great design is built on a foundation of quality and affordability. The design studio is passionately managed by Amanda Pandrige, our main designer who has been expertly curating private residences for over 20 years. Our philosophy is that design can help transform lives.

Beautiful thoughts from our clients

Linda Moore

”Inspiration and imagination underpins their work. The team respects design traditions and does the utmost to maintain them. It's a place where people work with integrity.” 

MaTthew Smith

” It's clear they strive to improve client service by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.” 

Frank Landwick

” They believe in the power and versatility of technology to make their services better, to enable them to deliver the best results possible. They make service a clear priority.”